About Me

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Welcome to my blog! Me and DH are 27. We met at the end of our senior year in High School and married three years later on June 25 2005. We have been TTC for over 3 years. Now we are expecting twins in June. I hope to encourage and be encouraged through our journey.
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Love my RE.....

I just got off the phone with my RE. I was asking him what the odds of us getting PG this last IUI since we have already had 2 failed ones. I told him that I didn't wanna waste the time and money if he thought my chances were very low. He said that either one, IVF or IUI isn't out of the ordinary at this point. He did say.........he would do another IUI for FREE!!!!! if that was the route we wanted to take, minus meds of course. If we decide to do this (almost positive we are just need to get DH opinion) and it doesn't work then we will definitely move forward with IVF.

Just wanted to share the good news.

Have a great weekend.


  1. That's awesome that he is willing to do an IUI for free!!

  2. Whoa! That is absolute greatness!!!! Good luck!

  3. That is great that he will do an IUI for free...Wow:) I never had luck with my IUI's.....We did our first IVF and that is when I became Pregnant but had a loss...then its like it opened the doors...and from then on I was able to get pregnant naturally or with tx....but then our issue became keeping the pregnancy...I hope for your sake this last IUI will work...but honestly IVF is not the end of the world:)
