About Me

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Welcome to my blog! Me and DH are 27. We met at the end of our senior year in High School and married three years later on June 25 2005. We have been TTC for over 3 years. Now we are expecting twins in June. I hope to encourage and be encouraged through our journey.
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My little June Bug(s) @ 4 weeks

How far along? 4 Weeks!!

Baby's size? My little June bug(s)is the size of a poppyseed

Weight Gain? none

Stretch marks? none

Belly button in or out? In

Sleep? Really bad lately, I don't think this a pregnancy symptom. Just from the bed rest last week i haven't gotten back on schedule.

Foods I am loving? Cheese grits...this isn't anything new though.

Foods I am hating? nothing new

Best moment this week? Finding out I'm pregnant. 3 years and 3 months of trying.

Movement? none

Symptoms? My girls are tender and I get a headache almost everyday.

Gender? No clue

What I miss? Absolutely Nothing!!

What I'm looking forward to? Seeing how many are in there.

Weekly Wisdom: Some doctors obviously don't make you do the dreaded TWW.

Milestone: Getting Pregnant

Emotions: All over the place. Excited, Nervous, Worried, Weepy.....

I have pics but I can't find the converter for my memory stick. Hopefully I can get them up in the next few days.

I had another beta on Friday. It was 638. I go again tomorrow for another and as long as my numbers are good she said we might be able to get an ultrasound Thursday or Friday to see how many be have. YAY!! I'm so excited.


  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Oh I am so happy for you!! I had a big smile on my face reading this:)

  2. Can't wait to hear about the ultrasound!
