I don't think that you can mentally be prepared for a journey like this one. The girls are 2 weeks old today and are doing well. There have been more good days than bad (which we are truly blessed by) but somehow the devil can take one bad day and turn all the good ones into a faint memory.
We found out today that our precious Paisley has a grade 2 brain bleed. The doctors are optimistic about the outcome and if Mark and I aren't there will be know way to make it through the next few months. The Lord has pulled her through so many obstacles so far why not this one. Mark and I have leaned so far on GOD this whole time and he has come through each and every prayer, how could we not? Harper has done exceptionally well and we have had only minor set backs with her.
There are so many things I have on my mind and things I wanna say and get off my chest but I can't find the time to get it all out. I will hopefully be able to tell you all about the hospital stay and delivery part very soon. Between pumping and being at the hospital i have NO time for anything.
Speaking of pumping....obviously I wont be able to breastfeed for a long time. Any suggestions. I spoke with a lactation consultant and she said that I'm not producing enough. At first I started out pumping every hour to make my body produce. Then I went to every 3 hours...around the clock. When I spoke with that lady she put me on another schedule. 12midnight 5am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. This was just 2 days ago I started the new schedule. I also started taking fenugreek to help with my supply. I'm taking 3 3x a day. I haven't really noticed a difference. I'm getting almost 2 1/2 oz in the 5 hr time span from midnight to 5. In the 3 hour time span I can get anywhere from 1-1 1/2 oz. Then the 2 hr time span I'm barely getting 1 oz most of the time its less than that. I hope yall (Lauren) have some really good advice. Pumping should be the last thing I have to worry about. WHY CANT MY BODY WORK!!!!
Please forgive me for not reading your blogs. If there is anything I missed please update me.